
Present at Momocon with the IndieCluster

April 27, 2023

It's official... We're goin’ to MomoCon!! If you are interested in being a part of our space, please follow this link It costs $250 and that comes with 1 or 2 badges. We'll need to make sure we have enough for everyone before we give our extras. You are also able to preorder a t-shirt that you can pick up during the event. We'll have more event details in our Welcome Letter soon. This channel is where we'll be talking and keeping you up to date on everything. If you're in Atlanta and not able to make it, we would still love for you to make the game dev dinner the locals put together on Saturday. It's a good opportunity to network and meet the out of town developers.

If you are not demoing a game at Momocon with the IndieCluster, you can still attend as a volunteer. You must apply by May 7: